February 2024:
As the New Year Sprouts
First, I would like to thank each and every one of you for your continued support of my journey as an author. I appreciate you all talking up my books and encouraging others to purchase them. I can’t wait for you to see the stats below about Driving Home Naked’s success. I’m also super excited to announce that Driving Home Naked will published as an audiobook on February 20th, details are below. So, for those of you who drive tractors in circles, you’re officially out of excuses as to why you have not gotten this book!
November 2023:
Season's Greetings!
Hi gang! I would like to start out by saying thank you to all of you for your unwavering support. Book sales seem to be going well, but in this industry there is no such thing as instant gratification. I don’t think the publisher understands the concept that veterinarians love to lance an abscess, see the pus pour out, and know they made the animal feel better. Book marketing requires a lot of patience and persistence, so I plan to hang in there for the long haul.
September 2023:
On a Roll!
Hi everyone! It has been an exciting month with the release of my books. Some of my family and friends traveled up to Boston for what turned out to be a stellar book launch event. A huge thanks to my book coach Candace Coakley and fellow author Liz Kinchen for making the event successful. Special thanks go out to Liz’s husband Jason for making the event available as a livestream...
August 2023:
Don't miss tonight's launch!
Hi Folks, today is our book launch event in the Boston area. If you’d like to watch the festivities, we’re going to livestream the discussion. It’ll start at 6:45 pm EST (maybe a few minutes after if we’re running late) and run for approximately an hour. It’s a memoir co-launch with Liz Kinchen, another She Writes Press author. Thanks for all of your support!
- Dr. Melinda August 17, 2023
August 2023:
It's Here!
Great news gang, the day has come! Your copies of Driving Home Naked will arrive as soon as this week. Relief is in sight for those wondering why the heck I drove home naked. Once you’ve read it, please consider posting a review on Goodreads and/or wherever you purchased your copy of the book. Reviews are hugely helpful to authors. You could also post a pic of you with the book on social media and tag me!
July 2023:
Let's Celebrate!
Hey gang! June was a super busy month preparing for the Driving Home Naked book launch in August. Thank you SO much for getting the word out about the book. Y’all spread things faster than a bull with an STD, and I love you for it. In this newsletter, I’ll share a sampling of some of the great stuff going on. Let’s keep generating hype through the month of July. Thanks!
June 2023:
Sneak Peek!
Hey gang! It’s starting to feel real with the publishing date less than two months away. Since I last wrote you, I have been working hard on getting the book into the hands of some influential people. Stay tuned for details and links to some great interviews and podcasts. I have also been preparing for launch events and a book tour.
May 2023:
Tune in to the DHN Playlist!
As many of you know, I drive over 50,000 miles in my vet truck each year, almost exclusively making house calls, exposing me to whatever foul weather Mother Nature serves up. I thought I’d share my secrets to surviving copious amounts of driving—all day and in the wee hours of the night—often in crazy weather and sometimes scantily clad. The trick is cranking up the music and sucking down Mountain Dew (nectar of the gods) while simultaneously avoiding speeding tickets. So, I’ve put together a special playlist with relevant descriptions to share the joy of my rides. Pump up the volume and enjoy!
April 2023:
Hop in the passenger's seat!
Hey gang. Want to join our “Street Team” to help launch Driving Home Naked? I know y’all are super busy, but it’s a fun job and you don’t even have to be naked! Everyone has been SO awesome already by sharing my initial post on Facebook and I appreciate you all very much. This will extend further than that with other social media, including Instagram and TikTok. You’d get to read the book early and be ready to review it on Amazon, Bookshop, Goodreads, and other sites on launch day, August 8. If you’re interested, please reach out to me at drivinghomenaked@gmail.com for more info.
March 2023:
Have you HERD? I wrote a book!
Well gang, I have done something crazy. Yes, I know, that’s not entirely surprising to most of you. I wrote a book about achieving my dream of becoming a large animal veterinarian. It’s made up of several true short stories, most of which will make you laugh out loud. Everyone is constantly asking where I found the time to write a book. The answer is that I did it in between birthing babies, stamping out pestilence, and wrangling my young daughter. It’s amazing what you can do if you set your mind to it.